Happy Pink Saturday
Hi! How are you doing?
All is well here, some work progressing on the quilt.
Are you ready for part 3?
Please feel free to ask any questions, I will do my best to answer them.
Here we go, lots of pictures.......
Today we are going to cut and sew up a set of the corner blocks.
We start by cutting strips of fabric 5 1/4 inches wide.
I have 3 different fabrics stacked, hold down on the edge of the ruler
firmly so that the fabric doesn't scrunch, be very careful
that rotary cutter blade is very sharp, even when it is dull.
Trim off the uneven edges, make sure the ruler is square.
Turn you strip, so that it is in the right position for cutting
and line up the ruler to cut at 5 1/4 inches.
This is still 3 layers thick so each cut gets me 3 blocks.
Switching to a smaller ruler for better control, I cut the squares
in half, to create triangles. You will need 2 triangles for each block
After cutting the triangles, needed, (which I need 4 corner blocks to construct 14 large blocks
and there are 2 triangles needed for each corner block, I will let you do the math).
The next step requires cutting strips of dark blue and aqua. You need one
9 1/2 x 2 inch strip for ever 2 triangles, no biggy?
But wait, we need to make half of them the dark and half the light color
you will get 4 strips out of a 44 inch strip, so cut (in my case) 13 - 44 inch
strips of each color, then cut that in fourths.
In the picture above I have 4 strips, you will see why in a few minutes.
The next step is to fold everything in half and press, right sides together.
I have put the aqua strips aside for now, as we begin working with the dark first.
On half of the blocks I will reverse the order of the colors, this will create the weaving of the lattice.
Each large block will have 2 with dark running through and 2 with light.
Clear as mud? It will become clear in a bit.
See the reason for the pressing, you now have the center of everything and
you can line them up!
Placing right sides together and lining up centers, stitch a
triangle to the long side of a dark strip, using a scant 1/4 inch.
Be careful not to stretch the fabric, yours will look like the one above.
In my case I need to sew a printed pink to one strip and a dark pink to another.
You will put another triangle on the other side, like this, keeping the printed
fabrics together and the dark pink together.
Cut, like shown
Now put a printed half with a pink half.
Bring back the aqua strip, that was folded and pressed,
put a print and a pink like shown
Begin sewing each half to an aqua strip, like this. For my change up
I need to put a print on one side and a pink on the other.
Here is the completed block, do you see how the dark seems to run under
the aqua. I folded and pressed the block to find the center.
Now it is time to trim the block, to square it.
The reason I needed to find the center is so I could get a true square.
This is a 6 1/2 inch unfinished block, so I need to trim it up (or down) to that
size, once it is sewn into the quilt top it will be a 6 inch block, because each seam is
1/4 of an inch. So I need to find center to place my 3 1/4 inch mark
there (click the picture to enlarge). I also made sure that the 45 degree
marks on the ruler were centered.
Almost done.....
Trim side and top, now turn the block
Line up the cut edges with the ruler markings at 6 1/2 inches, trim.
Here is the squared up block, you have created 2 blocks, now do this again
except reverse the placement of the aqua and the dark blue.
Once you do that you will have.........
These. So now I need to do this 13 more times.
Of course I have everything cut now, just have to sew them together.
That is it for this time.
Thank you so much for sticking around, if you have any questions please feel free to ask.
I hope you have enjoyed making these blocks with me.
Please visit Beverly our pink-0-lishish hostess
our hostess for the Process Pledge.
May God bless you and keep you......until next time.